Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Other videos.

I also worked on some other videos. Here they are!
Paranoid Alert
I shot this one and helped with the editing.
Women's Perspective - Proposals
I helped in the editing.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Last Day

Today was my last day working for Asylum. Though it is time to move on, I am still a little sad that I am leaving. I had a lot of fun and I learned so much.
The Asylum staff took all of the interns out to lunch. It was really nice of them.
Here is my celebratory red bean ice cream. yummy!

Goodbye Asylum! I'm gunna miss you!

28 Cups of Coffee

and a couple red bull

Coffee is absolutely essential in the work place.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Green Screen

Green screening is a very important part of my job.
Almost all of the projects that I've worked on have used it.
Before I started working at Asylum, I had no idea how to key out a green screen.
I did a lot of research and quickly taught myself.

Where the magic happens

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I had to do math at work today.

They had me calculate the number of video views from a 2 week period from at least 5 social networking sites. Lots of adding... subtracting... frustration...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Liam Kyle Sullivan!!!

Part of my job is looking for youtubers that Asylum can work with and...
I got a reply from LIAM KYLE SULLIVAN!!
He is known for this.
I am a HUGE fan.
Speaking of YouTube, I made 96 friends and 3 subscribers for Asylum!!

The Collector - Episode 1

The Collector - Episode 1

My first assignment was to help with this shoot.
I got to meet Kwame, former emcee turned music producer, and watched him talk about all his toys.
It just came back from the videographer the other day.

I Hate Your Baby...

Yesterday a video for Lemondrop.com (the female equivalent of Asylum) was uploaded.
It was for a web series called "Sconography". This is a fantastic example of the content I work with .
This one was fun!
Watch it here!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Here was the rest of my day.

I work in a very nice neighborhood in Greenwhich Village. It is very close to Washington Sqare Park and Chinatown (my favorite part of the city).
I commute 3 times a week from New Jersey to Manhattan. It only takes 20-30 minuets by bus and a 10 minuet subway ride. It's definitely worth it.

I got lost today.

I went to B&H and got very lost on the way back.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Best Lunch Ever

This was the best lunch I have had during the entire internship.
They were leftovers I took from a Vietnamese Engagement Party.
I had spring rolls, lo mein, and some strange pork product.

2009 Red Bull Air Race!

I did a video about the Red Bull Air Race about 2 weeks ago. I spent alot of time on this project because there were about 3 hrs of footage to sift through.
You can see the video here:
Red Bull AirRace 2009
I was on Digg with 411 Diggs!!!!

A Women's Perspective

Asylum.com is a men's humor website. Sometimes they feel a need to examine male issues from the female point of view.

For example, yesterday Asylum announced that is 4th A Day without Megan Fox (often called "the sexiest women alive" by many men's magazine". We tried to create a viral video so that other people would follow this rule.

Here is the video that I created (with some help from my fellow intern Ryan who did a great job with the green screen).

*The actual video used to promote Megan Fox day can be found here.
We ended up redoing it because the topic turned more towards a day without.